Living paycheck to paycheck is quite common these days. And it’s not just about overspending. Unpredictable income, low wages, and high costs for health care, utilities, insurance, and education are the reasons you can suddenly find yourself living on the edge financially through no fault of your own. Even people with high income tend to spend the entire paycheck without squirreling any money away for emergencies like medical expenses or unexpected job loss.
But technology can help break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. Modern fintech solutions can accelerate your journey to financial freedom. They thoroughly analyze a user’s income, spending, and financial behavior to provide personalized, data-driven savings recommendations and create individual budgets.
Softarex has developed FINMATEX — a mobile app for personal finance management.
It’s a powerful tool that allows users to:
Online Banking App developed by Softarex produces the following benefits to users: