Many people find paying monthly energy bills frustrating and challenging. Owners of standard meters need to take readings manually, which is rather tedious and time-consuming. Besides, this often leads to errors, which later turn into large energy bills.
Moreover, in case you forget to submit readings, your supplier will have to send you a bill with an estimated amount of energy spent during the month. These estimates are not always accurate and often lead to shock bills.
Softarex has developed Smart Meter Reading Software that automatically collects daily data from smart meters and transmits it to a single portal for billing, troubleshooting, and future analysis.
The system also creates monthly energy invoices and provides clear explanations of the information they contain to help users better understand what they’re paying for.
The functionality of Softarex’s Smart Meter Reading Software includes:
The implementation of the Smart Meter Reading Software developed by Softarex has produced the following results for homeowners: