Technology stack: Full List

Front End

React-JS, AngularJS, AJAX, Bootstrap, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS3

Back End

Java, PHP, Python, R, Ruby on Rails, Scala, GoLang, REST full API, WebSockets, WebRTC, SignalR, Web Services, WebAPI, OAuth, Spring, NHibernate, Hibernate, YII, Laravel, iText, pd4ml, Play Framework, NodeJS

IoT, Low level dev. libraries

Visual C++, C++, C, Boost, WDK, WxWidgets, QT, Assembly language


Objective-C (iOS, Mac OS), Swift, Android SDK, ReactNative

AI, Computer vision and Data science

OpenCV, DLib, Tensor flow, CUDA, DeepDetect, OpenNLP, Storm, Spark, Hadoop, SystemML, Stanford Classifier, SmileMiner, DirectX, OpenGL, QT, Cognitive services from Amazon, IBM Bluemix and Microsoft Azure


Selenium WebDriver (web applications automated testing), Winium (Windows desktop applications automated testing), Appium (Mobile applications automated testing) SikuliX (OCR), Cucumber, TestNG, Allure (BDD), Vagrant, Docker, Jenkins, JUnit, codeNforcer (code review and code quality)


DALI, EnOcean, Mbus, Wmbus, Zigbee, HL7, TCP/IP, UDP, SOAP, JSON, SIP, RTP, RTCP, HTTP, FTP


PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, SQLite, Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL


Amazon S3, Amazon Cloud, IBM Bluemix, Hadoop, Microsoft Azure


SCRUM, Agile, Extreme Programming, RUP, UX/UI Design, Prototyping


Apache, Nginx, Apache Tomcat, GlassFish, Jetty, Netty, WildFly, IIS


MAVEN, ANT, Gradle, SBT, Composer

UX/UI Design

Figma, Balsamiq, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Abstract, Principle, Invision, Zeplin

Operating Systems

Windows family, Linux family, iOS, MacOS, Android